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Emely Shares Her Reflections on Finishing Her Intern Year

Three young women sitting in chairs
2023 intern graduates Marta, Emely, and Ana Margarita

Four young women recently finished their year-long internships. The best way to report on the progress of our Intern Program is in the words of one of the interns. Emely finished her intern year on June 30, 2023. Below are her reflections on what the year meant to her.

A young woman standing outside
Intern Emely

"My warmest greetings to you. I hope you find yourself very well and that everything you do is very successful.

"During these days I have continued to learn a lot. I never stop learning because there is always new knowledge. There are always experiences that reinforce what you have already learned.

"During the time that I have worked in the organization I have met many people. I have learned about the operations of various other organizations. It is an experience that I value very much. It has made me a more prepared professional in the field of action. I really value the knowledge acquired and the knowledge shared by my co-workers. It's definitely one of the best things that has ever happened to me. The day I applied to the call of the Association Kateri I never imagined the great opportunity that was being presented to me.

"This month is the end of this internship. On the one hand I am a little sad because I have become accustomed to the co-workers and the communities I work in, but at the same time I am very happy to have successfully completed this process. There are many things that I have to be grateful for. Experience and knowledge are priceless. They cannot be bought. We own them. They remain with us and nobody can take them away from us.

" I hope you continue to support more young people so that as this internship helped me, they can also have the same opportunities.



A group of Guatemalan women standing in front of posters
Emely with a women's group she facilitated

As you can see from Emely's reflection, she understands how much she has learned. When she applies for a position she now has a glowing recommendation to submit. It gives her an advantage when she is seeking permanent employment.

Thank you for your support of the Kateri Intern Program. It is making a difference. Of the four young women who finished their intern year in June two of them were hired to permanent positions at the institution where they interned. A third was on her way to permanent employment but the organization had a budget cut that made it impossible for them to hire her. All the young women need is a chance to show what they are capable of doing.


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